BreweryGems Breweriana for sale


Advertising Beer Steins and Mugs from U.S. Breweries

Mugs & Steins include both Pre-Prohibition & Post Prohibition examples.
For mugs & steins from the various Olympic Games - drop down to: Olympics
Glass mugs from the U.S. are mixed in with the Glasses
For some European Beer Steins - go to: European
For some Pub mugs - go to: Pub
Plus a couple of Root Beer Mugs (not Breweriana, but collectible)

Convention has it that steins have lids and mugs do not, but I may not follow that rule here.


Lemps Special Brew beer stein c.1900Pewter lid for Lemp beer stein by Pauson of Munich"Lemps Special Brew / St. Louis" in red lettering above the Wm. J. Lemp Brewing Company's logo, all on a half liter stein; 5-1/4" tall; with a pewter lid by Martin Pauson of Munich, ca.1900. Exceptional condition. $475
Note: Would entertain a trade for West Coast Breweriana.

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E. Tosetti Brewing Co. SteinTosetti by Mettlach - base marksTosetti advertising graphic"E. Tosetti / Brewing Co." above the Brewery's logo, with "Chicago" on the lower rim, all on a ½ Liter, lidded stein made at the Mettlach Factory of Villory & Boch of Germany, ca.1905 (see base marks). The roman numeral II is also a capacity mark. Excellent condition. $275   Note: graphic for info only.

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Rainier Beer "Judge" stein for sale"A Good Judge Knows - Rainier - Seattle U.S.A." with a figure of a British looking Judge (in a powdered wig), on a 5½" tall, ¼L stein made by Adolf Diesinger, ca.1903. Excellent condition. $95
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Acme Brg. Co. stein from San Francisco c.1909"Acme Brewing Company" below an orange "Acme Beer" emblem and the words "A Home Product", with the San Francisco address below. This 5" tall, Art Nouveau influnced stein has silver striping and a silver handle, and was produced by the Thomas Maddock's Sons Co., Trenton, NJ, c.1909. The "Home Product" reference was an attempt to appease the Prohibisionists and distance Acme from the saloon drinking crowd. Grade 9.0  $175

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H. Weinhard beer stein c.1905"H. Weinhard / Portland Ore" with the HW monogram & eagle logo, and slogan: "Purity is Health" - on a 6" tall. 0.3L stein from the Henry Weinhard Brewery. The stein was introduced in 1905 for the 4½ month long Lewis & Clark Exposition in Portland. It has a base mark "30" which matches Form No. 30, used by German stein maker, Marzi & Remy. Grade 9.0  $115

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Aug. Lang Bottling Works, beer stein, S.F. ca.1910"Aug. Lang & Co's Works / San Francisco, Cal." showing their massive Fredericksburg Bottling Co. The side  panels depict bottles of Red Lion Stout and Tivoli Lager Beer. The largest of the Lang steins is this 0.5L, 6½" tall example with the dark green panels, ca.1910. Grade 9.0  $145

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 monk mug from the Bellingham Bay Brewery ca.1906Image of a monk dining on 4½" tall mugs, with "compliments of / Bellingham Bay Brewery / Bellingham, Wash." in gold text. Marked on base: "Lebeau Porcelaine" - from France, ca.1906. Minor issues but displays beautifully. $75


Leisy Brewing  Co. mug - Peoria, IL"Leisy Brewing Co." of Peoria, Ill. above their trade mark of a Templar cross with a gold ring surronding a capital L, and the words Age, Purity, and Strength. The gold rimmed mug stands 5" tall, and has an antler shaped handle. Excellent condition. $60

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Here's my illustrated essay on
Pre-Pro Western Beer Steins.


Root Beer
(Not actually Breweriana, but a nice old "Beer" anyway)

Hires Root Beer mug"Drink Hires - It is Pure" on a 6" tall, stoneware mug ca.1920. Crazing to the clear-coat glaze. Grade 8.5 -9.0  $25

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Post Prohibition steins    

three Acme mugs ca.1940s"Acme" on each of the approx. 6 in. tall ceramic mugs with "J.J. Fulop, Calif" on the base. These were made exclusively for the Sequoia Lodge - the hospiality center and tap room for the Acme Brewery of Los Angeles in the early '40s. There were just these three designs and were hand painted with various color schemes. Excellent condition with no chips or cracks. Scarce! $60 ea. or $150 for the set of 3.
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Olympia Beer mug ca.1965"Olympia Beer - Stubby - It's the Water" on a 5¾" tall, gold rimmed, ceramic beer mug, ca.1965. Excellent and Scarce! 9.5  $ 65

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Pyramid Breweries beer sstein"Pyramid Breweries" on a 5¾" tall, cream colored beer stein. Grade 9.5 $20

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Budweiser stein CS-41976 Anheuser-Busch - German Tavern Scene, taller 8" version, made by Ceramarte - (CS-4) near mint.  $15

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Budweiser 50th Anniversary CS-571982 Budweiser - 50th Anniversary, 2nd in Holiday series - by Ceramarte, 6½" tall, (CS-57) near mint. $15

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1984 Budweiser Holiday stein - Wagon & Team  and Covered Bridge 1984 Budweiser - Team & Wagon with Covered Bridge, 4th in Holiday series - by Ceramarte, 6⅜" tall, (CS-62) near mint. $15
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1986 Budweiser Holiday stein - Traditional Houses and Team & Wagon 1986 Budweiser - Traditional Houses with Team & Wagon, 6th in Holiday series - by Ceramarte, 6½" tall, (CS-66) near mint. $15 
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Budweiser Beer stein, Stables CS-73 - image1987 Budweiser "Stables" 2nd in the Landmark series. Made by Ceramarte, 7½" tall  - (CS-73) near mint. $15       
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Budweiser bottle stein, CS-136 - image1991 Budweiser, 3rd issue in the Label Series called the Bottle Label Stein.  It depicts a labeled Budweiser bottle, c.1890. A-B logo is surrounded by high relief barley and hops. Stein measures 5½" tall, and was made in Brazil by Ceramarte. (CS-136) near mint. $15
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Budweised stein, St. Patrick's Day '93 - image1993 issue - "Erin Go Bud" below the Budweiser "bow-tie" logo. 3rd in the St. Patrick's Day series - 5½" tall stein made by Ceramarte. (CS-193)  near mint. $15 
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A-B 1996 lidded stein (CB-3) A-B 1996 lidded stein (CB-3) - top view1996 "Anheuser-Busch / The World's Largest Brewery" - 7" tall, stein by Ceramarte (CB-3) Collector's Club Membership stein - was available to members only. The stein's lid has an A-B logo insert (right). Near mint condition. $15 

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Anheuser-Busch Old lager mug"Anheuser-Busch / Old Lager" on a 4" mug - official A-B product. Near mint cond.  $10

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Anheuser-Busch Pale Lager mug"Anheuser-Busch / The Pale Lager" on a 4" mug - official A-B product. Near mint cond.  $10

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Leavenworth Brewery stein 2 - image"Leavenworth Brewery - Since 1992" on a 4⅞" stoneware mug. These were produced in limited numbers, in the inaugural year only - ca.1992. The brand was owned by the Fish Brewing Co. of Olympia - which is no longer in business. Scarce! Grade 9.5  $25 

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Michelob beer mug by Florence - image"Michelob - Since 1896" in black on a 4½" mug. Ring around rim and base, plus the logo, all in gold. Mug made by Florence Ceramic Co. of Pasadena, ca.1969. Grade 9.5  $10

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Coors Light Tappa-Kega-bru beer stein"Coors Light - Tappa-Kega-Bru" (spoof of college fraternities) on a 5¼" tall, ceramic beer stein from the '80s. Some craze lines in the glaze, but no cracks or chips. Overall excellent condition. $20

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Coors Brewing Co. mug "Coors Brewing Company - Golden, Colorado" in blue, on a 4¾" tall, ceramic beer stein. Grade 9.5  $15


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Michelob ceramic beer mug"Michelob" above their logo of the A-B eagle on a red ribbon. The mug stands 5⅝" tall with three gold stripes. Made in the USA. Some crazing in the narrow area between the bottom two gold lines. Grade 9.0  $15

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Schlitz Tenn. stein c.1972"Schlitz" on belted globe logo, above image of plant and "Memphis, Tennessee - Official Dedication May 12, 1972" all in gold. On base: "K-Promotions, Inc. - Milwaukee, Wis." Stein has crazing but displays beautifully. Grade 8.5 - 9.0  $15

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Schlitz ceramic beer stein"Schlitz - World's Finest Draught Beer" on 6" tall, ceramic beer stein - with a kick-up base, from the late '50s. Excellent condition (it's whiter than it appears in the photo) $15

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Schlitz stoneware stein by Gerz"Schlitz" on the iconic trapezoid logo, on a gold striped emblem above a whaling village scene. This older, .5L stein is 5¼" tall, and made in W. Germany by Gerz. $15

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Falstaff Beer stein c.1965"Falstaff Beer" with lion head and shield logo on a 5¼" tall, ceramic beer stein, ca.1965 (the lion was only used from '64 - '69). The initials on the rim are on top of the glaze and can probably be removed if desired. Some crazing to the clear-coat glaze, but still in excellent condition. $15
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  Olympic rings logo


Olympic Games Mugs & Steins

Budweiser '84 Summer Olymics stein - imageBudweiser - '84 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, manufactured in 1982 by Ceramarte, 7½" tall - distributed only to Anheuser-Busch wholesalers - (CS-53) near mint. $25

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Michelobr '84 Summer Olymics stein - imageMichelob - '84 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, manufactured in 1982 by Ceramarte, 7½" tall - distributed only to Anheuser-Busch wholesalers - (CS-54) near mint. $25

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European Beer Steins

Pilsner-Urquell Beer steinWick-Werke base mark"Pilsner-Urquell" above the brewery's heraldic logo, on a .5L, 5¼" tall elfenbein (ivory) stoneware stein made by Wick-Werke of Rheinland-Paletinate, Germany (Wick-Werke closed in 1984). The base mark is shown at right. The beer has been produced since 1842 in Pilsen, part of today's Czech Republic. Excellent condition.  $15

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Eisgrub-Brau beer stein"Eisgrub-Bräu" on a 4¾" tall, .4L, elfenbein (ivory) stoneware stein by Rastal. From the A. Mainzer Gasthausbrauerei in Mainz, Rheinland-Paletinate, Germany. Excellent condition. $15

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