General Brewing Co., SF ltrhd - image 

History of the Lucky Lager Breweries (1933-1985)

San Francisco, CA (1933-1978)
Vancouver, WA
Azusa, CA  (1949-1966)
Salt Lake City, UT (1957-1967)

The first Lucky Lager brewery was established by the General Brewing Corporation of San Francisco on 31 August, 1933. Their business office was located at 369 Pine St. in downtown San Francisco. This was also the office of Walter George Filer, one of the founders and first Chairman of the Board of Directors. The Articles of Incorporation list three individuals who were officers of Consolidated Beverages, Inc., and they, plus the other three original incorporators, remained as company Directors well into the '50s.

The plant was being built in the Bayview neighborhood of So. San Francisco, near Hunter's Point, at 2601 Newhall Street.

Lucky Lager Brewery c.1934
Lucky Lager Brewery, ca.1934

Construction was completed in early March of '34, allowing brewing to commence. After three months of aging (or lagering), the first draught (draft) beer was ready for consumption. The bottling line was not ready by then, so the first "Lucky Lager" in bottles did not hit the market until the 6th of July, 1934.

Given time for aging, the May 10th label shown here would have been on a bottle sold in August - the second month of packaged sales.Lucky Lager beer label May 1934 - image

Early in '34, when the company was first established, General Brewing Corp. was controlled by the majority shareholder, Coast Breweries, Ltd. of Vancouver, B.C. Yet the Canadian owners did not install their own management team, and let the local share holders run the company. As co-owner of the brand, Coast Breweries introduced "Lucky Lager" in British Columbia in Dec. of 1934.

General Brewing Corp's first officers were: Paul C. von Gontard, pres.; Eugene S. Selvage, sec-treas.; and Julius Kerber, brewmaster. Kerber received his training in Munich, Germany, and for four years was head brewmaster and production supervisor for the Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co. This was followed in 1925 with the position of president and brewmaster of the Northwest Brewing Co. of Edmonton, Alberta. Then in 1933  he was recruited by Coast Breweries' Robert Fiddes to equip and supervise the new Lucky Lager brewery. Not only did he take charge of the brewing, he also brought his own strain of yeast with him.

The company's president, Baron Paul von Gontard, was the grandson of Adolphus Busch, and was no doubt given the title of president to add prestige to to the company's masthead, since he wasn't a stockholder (however he was a stockholder in Coast Breweries, Ltd.). His Anheuser-Busch connection was touted, and greatly helped promote the new enterprise. In fact Budweiser published a letter in the major Bay Area newspapers stating that while Paul von Gontard was related to the Busch family, there was no connection between the General Brewing Corp. and Anheuser-Busch - as had been rumored, nor was von Gontard a representative, or an employee of A-B. What he was was a big game hunter, polo player, and bon vivant!

However, von Gontard only held the title of president for a little more than a year. By late '35 he had been replaced by their brewmaster, Kerber. Von Gontard relocated to Albuquerque, NM in 1937. In May of that year he raised money to purchase the struggling start-up, Southwestern Brewery Co., and with the help of brewmaster, Max Leischner, opened the plant as the Rio Grande Brewing Co. By May of '39, the company was bankrupt. Apparently the Baron was more of a socialite than a businessman.

1st Lucky Lager Ale label 1935Kerber's tenure as president and general manager was also brief. In January of 1936, after less than a year in the leadership position, he unexpectedly died. But not before he formulated an English or Canadian style "true ale" for Lucky Lager.

The company's secretary/treasurer, Eugene S. Selvage, replaced Kerber as president of the company, a position he would occupy for the next twenty five years.

In early 1939, the Canadian owners, Coast Breweries, Ltd., reorganized the Interstate Brewery Co., and the General Brewing Company as a cooperative. They then licensed Interstate to brew and distribute Lucky Lager in WA, OR, ID, and Alaska, relieving the San Francisco branch of shipping Lucky Lager north.  Each brewery was to continue operating independently, neither sharing advertising nor labeling.

On the 7th of Jan., 1949, General Brewing Corporation's Board of Directors voted to change the name of the company to the Lucky Lager Brewing Co.

After WWII, Lucky Lager became the best selling beer in California, so the company decided to build a plant in southern California near Los Angeles. They found a suitable site in the small town of Azusa, and by May of '49 the new plant commenced brewing.


Lucky Lager neon sign

Lucky Lager of Azusa (1949-1966)

Lucky Lager plant in Azusa, CaBy the late '40s, Lucky Lager was leading the state in sales. They had surpassed the former top selling Acme Beer in part due to the poor reputation earned by Acme due to "skunky" beer sent to the troops during the war in the Pacific.

Rather than shipping increasing amounts of beer to the growing population of Southern California, the company chose to build a plant there. They found a 37 acre walnut orchard on the outskirts of Azusa, 25 mi. east of Los Angeles, that proved a suitable site. Construction was completed in May of '49, and by August the first Lucky Lager brewed in So. California was on sale.

The Azusa plant would serve the Southern Division, handling sales to Southern California, Southern Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and West Texas. 

Lucky Lager's Azusa plant ca.1960
Lucky Lager's Azusa plant ca.1960


Lucky Lager of Salt Lake City, UT

Lucky Lager Brewery, Salt Lake City
Lucky Lager Brewery, Salt Lake City ca.1957



Thre styles of early Lucky Lager beer glasses.
early Lucky Lager glasses


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  • Thanks to Jeff Henry for the General Brewing letterhead.


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